Saturday, May 21, 2016

6 strange places in the world

6 strange places and see the world

1. Cascade restaurant, Villa Escudero in Philippines

The restaurant food on the table made ​​of bamboo and distance are not so much of crystalline waters that cascade down fall is served. Experience delicious local cuisine while spraying water in the air and clean water springs that flow beneath your feet, is a memorable experience that you will get it only in the restaurant.

2. Arctic Snow Hotel

Thousands of years ago people were stranded at the North Pole, and from that time knew that the best way Ltojarvy Lake area. These people took us to sign a souvenir to remember this place, and it is a moose head that was used to decorate the boats Stone Age. Snow Hotel Arctic in the same place and exactly where ancient travelers made ​​camp there.

3. Perianth walk in the garden Kawachi Fuji in Japan

This walking route which sank in the mud in the name of the famous wisteria tunnel and located in Baghkavachy Fuji. Walking in this way will be very enjoyable and pleasant.

4. The Devil swimming pool. Victoria Falls in Africa

If you travel to Zimbabwe swim in the pool do not miss the chance. Satan is a small lagoon swimming pool and large rocks around it were covered and on top of one of the largest and most beautiful waterfalls in the world is located. The wetlands at an altitude of 103 meters and is located on the island of Livingston is probably one of the coolest places in the world.

5. Vandrlnd Kalkar in Germany

Welcome to Vandrlnd Kalkar in West Germany. Here is a nuclear reactor to generate electricity, which of course never been used and come in for an amusement park. The amusement park annually attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors to the park.

6. Eskimo village in Vyt forest in Finland

The glass Eskimo hut in the evening glow and create a beautiful landscape. Of each of these huts beautiful snowy landscapes around you see and if you are lucky you can also see Aurora, if not the beauty of millions of stars that shine in the night sky pleasure Bbryd.tknvlvzhy used in the glass makes that even in the cold of ice inflict large numbers and remain transparent at all times.

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