Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Greece definition


Greek Persian country in Southeast Europe and Balkans south of the peninsula that it has been called the birthplace of democracy.

It has frontiers with Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria and the East with Turkey has land borders. Mainland Greece in the South and East and West is surrounded by the Aegean Sea.

Greece at the junction of three continents: Asia, Europe and Africa, is heir to the legacy of ancient Greece, the Byzantine Empire, and nearly four centuries of Ottoman Turkish domination.

As the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy in the country, West Philosophy, Olympics, political science, playwright is known.

Greece has a special historical and cultural heritage that is adventurous and has a significant influence in North Africa and the Middle East and Europe foundation to culture and what is known today as the West counts.

Athens and Thessalonica, Patras and Heraklion big cities are.

Aegean coast of Greece unexpectedly witnessing the first advanced civilization in Europe today (effect) an integral part of the structure, culture and political development in the West. In ancient Greece, more boys than girls considered lace.


The country after World War II, Greece was on the path of economic development.

Tourism plays an important role in the economy of Greece. Greece 326.4 billion, which is 76.3 percent of gross domestic product that is produced in the service sector.

The labor force 4.49 million, most of which are active in the service sector. The unemployment rate of 8.4 percent and an inflation rate of 2.6 percent.

Exports of foods and drinks, manufacturing, petrochemicals, chemicals and textiles to countries such as Germany, Italy, Belgium, Britain, Cyprus, Turkey, France, and Spain is America.

The country needed products from countries such as Germany, Italy, Russia, France, the Netherlands and South Korea


10 million 706 thousand and 290 people live in Greece, 98 percent of whom are Christian Orthodox and Muslim 1.3 percent.

Seven percent of the population are foreigners who have gone to work or live in it.

The average age of the population is 41.2 years. Life expectancy at birth is 82.06 years for women and 76.85 years for men.

The country's official language is Greek, 99% of people speak it. English and French are also spoken due to tourism being the country more or less.

You have to pay a few euros for entrance to the beach, but the beach is clean and nice. Sanitary clean and clear water and clean sea and good food is at your disposal. Vovla beach one of the best sights and attractions of Greece is Athens.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Island definition

Republic of Iceland northernmost country in Europe, and the country is an island in the north Atlantic. The capital and largest city of Reykjavik and the population of 320 thousand people.

Icelandic Krona is the currency of this country and its official language is Icelandic. 93. 36% of people who constitute Iceland Germanic descent and the rest are mostly immigrants from other European countries. About 88 percent of people are Christian and most of them followers of Protestantism.

Iceland on December 1, 1918 has been independent from Denmark.
in terms of human development index in 2005, were awarded first place among the countries of the world.

Iceland is a free market and the rate of taxes in this country compared to the other members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is relatively low.
In 2008, the country's banking system has faced immense difficulties and this has led to political unrest and the effects of this crisis is not yet fully resolved. However, according to the United Nations, Iceland in 2011 fourteenth developed countries in the world.

Iceland area of ​​103, 000 square kilometers and marginal edges of the island in the South West Iceland, two-thirds of the population has in place. The country is an active volcanic and geological land of geysers and geothermal are found in many places is also available.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

6 strange places in the world

6 strange places and see the world

1. Cascade restaurant, Villa Escudero in Philippines

The restaurant food on the table made ​​of bamboo and distance are not so much of crystalline waters that cascade down fall is served. Experience delicious local cuisine while spraying water in the air and clean water springs that flow beneath your feet, is a memorable experience that you will get it only in the restaurant.

2. Arctic Snow Hotel

Thousands of years ago people were stranded at the North Pole, and from that time knew that the best way Ltojarvy Lake area. These people took us to sign a souvenir to remember this place, and it is a moose head that was used to decorate the boats Stone Age. Snow Hotel Arctic in the same place and exactly where ancient travelers made ​​camp there.

3. Perianth walk in the garden Kawachi Fuji in Japan

This walking route which sank in the mud in the name of the famous wisteria tunnel and located in Baghkavachy Fuji. Walking in this way will be very enjoyable and pleasant.

4. The Devil swimming pool. Victoria Falls in Africa

If you travel to Zimbabwe swim in the pool do not miss the chance. Satan is a small lagoon swimming pool and large rocks around it were covered and on top of one of the largest and most beautiful waterfalls in the world is located. The wetlands at an altitude of 103 meters and is located on the island of Livingston is probably one of the coolest places in the world.

5. Vandrlnd Kalkar in Germany

Welcome to Vandrlnd Kalkar in West Germany. Here is a nuclear reactor to generate electricity, which of course never been used and come in for an amusement park. The amusement park annually attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors to the park.

6. Eskimo village in Vyt forest in Finland

The glass Eskimo hut in the evening glow and create a beautiful landscape. Of each of these huts beautiful snowy landscapes around you see and if you are lucky you can also see Aurora, if not the beauty of millions of stars that shine in the night sky pleasure Bbryd.tknvlvzhy used in the glass makes that even in the cold of ice inflict large numbers and remain transparent at all times.


Friday, May 13, 2016


France is a country that is a major part of Western Europe and several other islands and regions of the continent. The main part of France from south to north between the Mediterranean Sea to the North Sea and the Channel, and from East to West is located between the Rhine and the Atlantic Ocean. The French central part of France because of its geographical shape "hexagonal" they say. French European Union member state has a veto in the UN Security Council. France is the world's fifth economy.
Major cities: Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lille, Paris


The bride in the world 

The city of four million Paris, capital of France with the architecture of the 16th and 17th, in the central part of the old, new and modern architecture in the countryside, crossing the Seine River from the city, places and monuments like the "Eiffel Tower", "Louvre" "Versailles", "Church", "Bastille" and other scenic spots, dubbed the world's bride to be allocated. 
The city is beautiful because dice shines on the ring of continental Europe, once the plurality of narrow alleyways and muddy stink and the title "Lvtyna 'or the city of flowers, but the planning of the people and the officials today acknowledged that today's urban Paris and Shaydayn healthy situation largely caused by the application of "Baron Eugene Hasman" the mayor of Paris in the era of "Napoleon" was. 

Best place in Italy

Italy is a country in southern Europe and its capital city of Rome. The country of the Italian Peninsula and the two islands of Sicily and Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea is formed. Today, Italy is a developed country and is considered among the Group of Eight.

The currency of the euro and the official language is Italian. Italy's population in 2014 was estimated to be about 60 million and seven hundred thousand and 91. 6 percent of the population are Christian.

Italy is the fifth most populous country in Europe and the twenty-third most populous country in the world. Italy has a temperate seasonal climate and weather conditions of coastal areas to the interior mountain air is very different.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Perspolis in iran

Perspolis is the Greek name (from perses polis for 'Persian City') for the ancient city of Parsa, located seventy miles northeast of Shiraz in present-day Iran. The name Parsa meant 'City of The Persians' and construction began at the site in 518 BCE under the rule of King Darius the Great ( who reigned 522-486 BCE). Darius made Parsa the new capital of the Persian Empire, instead of Pasargadae, the old capital and burial place of King Cyrus the Great. Because of its remote location in the mountains, however, travel to Parsa was almost impossible during the rainy season of the Persian winter when paths turned to mud and so the city was used mainly in the spring and summer warmer seasons. Administration of the Achaemenian Empire was overseen from Susa, from Babylon or from Ecbatana during the cold seasons and it was most likely for this reason that the Greeks never knew of Parsa until it was sacked and looted by Alexander the Great in 330 BCE (the historian Plutarch claiming that Alexander carried away the treasures of Parsa on the backs of 20,000 mules and 5,000 camels).

Column Capital, Persepolis (Mary Harrsch (Photographed at The Oriental Institute, Univ. of Chicago))