Thursday, June 16, 2016

Means that we can take the trip

Means that we can take the trip.

Of course, this is just a suggestion!

This is almost a complete list of devices that you can take with you. Of course, all of your choices, but you can use this reference:
30-pound bags of style,
Convenient and spacious rucksack,
Suit (one normal, one winter and warm),
Jeans and fabrics,
Warm jackets one hand,
Style jackets (autumn) or single-style coat,
Coat or raincoat,
Shirt and tie,
Warm wool socks,
Waterproof boot, ('ll also be preferably Fur)
Light shoes and formal shoes (shoes, do prepare waxes),
Style slippers,
Gloves, hats, scarves, umbrellas, folding,
Waist bag, handbag (purse notebook might be enough just temporarily),
Underwear and socks,
Large and small towels,
Additional belt,
Light travel blanket, bedding journey,
Ironing small and light,
Sports clothes,
Sunglasses and sun hats,
If you remove the building from the building. (Prohibition was taking),
Additional wrist watches, alarm clocks with AA batteries,
Shaving kit and make-up, nail clippers cases, spray,
Spices, raisins, nuts, candy, tea,
Wooden spoon, plastic tablecloths, small travel flask,
Bike locks,
Personalized mugs, plates and forks and spoons,
Washing powder,
Multifunction knife (use and style - the aircraft do not, you let time),
CFLs strong,
Door opener (also canned a bottle),
Yarn and needles and small scissors,
Authorized pills (by prescription from your doctor),
Medical records (if you have certain diseases)
Dental and dental X-rays Czech ups,
Bandages, toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss teeth,
Photo 3 Personnel 4 and 6 at 4,
Every time you book him (Quran, Bible, etc.), the Iranian calendar, pocket,
Stationery and calculator, book your specialist fields, appropriate dictionary (its use is permitted on the exam), Picture Dictionary,
Plastic folder,
Tee electricity, cable, phone and charger and accessories,
Camera, Rome Reader,
Notebooks & Accessories with all driver CD, CD software, a headset (with microphone), external hard drives and USB drive with the size and capacity,
Originals and copies of important documents (some copies have)

Enjoy your trip

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