Friday, June 24, 2016

8 Facts Everyone Should Know Before Moving to Seattle

8 Facts Everyone Should Know Before Moving to Seattle

The Pacific Northwest has become a popular destination for many Americans. The natural beauty and the unique culture that make up Seattle might be why the city is a popular travel and relocation destination. Or could it be because its home to the largest houseboat population in the world and everyone wants to feel like a pirate? Just kidding about the pirate part! But the fact remains that it is now the 3rd fastest growing city in the USA with a steady incline of 15,000 new residents moving here each year (for the past 4 consecutive years)

Here are a few fun facts that everyone should know before moving to Seattle.

1. Seattle gets a bad rap as a city that is constantly rained out. This isn't actually true, as New York City and Boston get more actual rainfall per year by quite a lot.

2. The grey is a real thing. Its been said the misty/fog that is so often in the air makes it constantly like a noir film. So although it might not actually be raining, it is a rather wet city.

3. It's the Fourth Safest City in America. That's right, crime is so low that locals will tell you that if you jaywalk you WILL get a ticket and a fine because the police have less to do in terms of crime than other cities.
4. Honking is considered a form of noise pollution. Seattle dwellers really won't honk unless it's actually to prevent real danger or an accident. Other than that locals will be able to point out a tourist if they are honking their horns constantly.

5. Fashion is very relaxed but everyone is kind of judging your jacket. Because of the tech industry and the constant mist, most people in Seattle don't mind dressing a little more casual. The one thing that most people will comment or compliment you on is your taste in outdoor wear. Treat REI, Northface and Moncler as the Channel of Seattle and Pacific Northwest couture.
6. Most people will say they don't like Starbucks and prefer local coffee, but being where Starbucks was 'born' there are more of them per capita than any other city. So someone must be going to them...

7. Seattle has been called dog Disneyland as they boast so many off leash parks and it seems like almost everyone has a dog. Seattle has so many beautiful outdoor adventure hikes and parks both in and just outside the city it's a perfect place for a 4-legged friend.

8. The space needle may have attracted attention from locals when it was built in just 400 days for the 1962 Worlds Fair but these days only tourists stop to stare... so if you want to fit in your new home don't be caught gazing up for too long.

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